W. Lloyd Williams

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New Half-Day Workshop Helps Advisors During Difficult Times

The new half-day workshop titled, What To Do Now is helping financial advisors during these difficult times. Many are replacing lost assets in a matter of weeks that were lost in the last quarter. The opportunity to grow your business is outstanding, see what others are saying. Comments from advisors who attended the Toronto workshop back in November:

“Great presentation and upbeat vision of the future. Lloyd covered the right information with good content for the current market turmoil!”

“I have never sat still for 4 hours in my life until this presentation…excellent!”

“Everyone should hear this message!”

“Lloyd has given me a load of ideas to go to clients and prospects with”

“Lloyd’s reasons for being positive are exactly what I needed to hear given the difficult markets”

Here are some comments from advisors who attended Lloyd’s workshops in Montreal, Ottawa and Toronto this past January 2009:

“I needed this conference. I have been letting this business and some of my clients get me down. I needed to be reminded to remain positive no matter what. I found the whole seminar worthwhile. The wheels are turning again and I thank him for that. I have not been this enthusiastic in some time”.

“I’ve attended a number of Lloyd’s sessions in the past and always find them valuable”

“Overall it was a valuable exercise where someone will definitely have some positive takeaways, regardless of your style of business”

“I am always reflecting on trying to manage the ‘right thing’ in the book of business. His emphasis on client intimacy and the practical “how to’s” were excellent”

“This seminar was more than I had hoped for. I woke up during the night (after the seminar) thinking of the seminar and ways that I was going to approach my clients & improve my business going forward”

“Very productive and one of the best I have been to”

If you would like to host a workshop for your firm please contact office@lloydwilliamsinc.com for more information.