W. Lloyd Williams

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Camera Field Test Part 3

After returning the Leica to Dale Photo and Digital I ordered a Nikon D3 and three prime lens (20mm, 35mm, and 50mm). This camera is a technological wonder. It nearly guarantees perfect photos. The matrix metering is flawless and the full frame sensor captures all the possible data. See the Durango Train photos. The only problem with this camera is it size. d3-090601-d3

After carrying this around for five days I realized that I would not carry it all the time like I would a Leica. Therefore I returned the Nikon system to B&H Photo and Video for a refund and purchased a new upgraded Leica M8 and 28mm f2.8 lens from Dale Photo and Digital.


Note: different lens in photo. The M8 is like holding an old friend. My first camera was a Leica M3 and the new digital M8 is only slightly larger than its predecessor. -L