W. Lloyd Williams

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Screenwriting Conference in Santa Fe

santafe-090529-L9990925 We have spent the last six days at Screenwriting Conference in Santa Fe, with over a hundred fellow screenwriters. The six days were filled with lectures, networking, and pitches. Though it is substantially smaller than the Screenwriting Expo in LA, we made many new friends and connected with fellow students from UCLA. The Conference was hosted at the The Lodge at Sante Fe.


The workshops were small and allowed us both to find new inspiration to finish our current screenplays. The instructors are working screenwriters and professors from UCLA and UNC.


The first day started with a Bacci Ball tournament and we lost our first game and won the next two to finish first among the losers. The field shown below was astro-turf and the fast surface added to the challenge and excitement. A fun time was had by all.


During one of the breaks I walked around to take a few photos.



Next week we participate in a Triassic fossil dig with the NM Museum of Natural History. Until then... -L