W. Lloyd Williams

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Local Color - the movie

local-colot_500x146shkl Last night the Oil Painters of America hosted a screening of George Gallo's new movie Local Color. Mr. Gallo, the writer and director, gave a short introduction and after the movie answered questions. This is a move by an artist, for artist, about art. Beautifully filmed and well acted. If you would like to have a screening in your town before the July-August theatrical release go to the website http://www.localcolormovie.com sign up and request a screening.

Do not miss this movie. You can see the trailer by clicking on the photo above or clicking here. For further information go to the movie site, www.localcolormovie.com. -L

Plein Air Oil Painting Workshop

The Oil Painters of America held their annual conference and exhibit in Santa Fe. The Sage Creek Gallery hosted the 18th Annual National Juried Exhibition of Traditional Oils. The 200 painting selected were chosen from thousands of submissions. Eli Cedrone, one of the winners this year, offered a two day Plein Air Oil Painting Workshop and I signed up to attend. The photo below shows Eli at Sage Creek Gallery standing beside her winning painting.

Elli Cedrone

We painted the first day at the National Audubon Society grounds just outside Santa Fe. Eli did an demonstration both days and clarified many concepts for me concerning values and tones. The second day we painted in the morning on Canyon Road and in the afternoon in the plaza. The photo below shows the scene we painted and my initial block-in.



Eli is a wonderful teacher, informative and patient. We had two wonderful days together and I left with a desire to continue my oil painting studies.

You can see more of Eli's fine art at www.elicedrone.com -L