W. Lloyd Williams

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Plumply Pleased at Pasqual's

April 10, 2009 Cafe Pasqual's deserves a post of its own.


The cafe is no rival for our beloved Biscuit Eater in Mahone Bay, Nova Scotia; however, with an emphasis on organic fare (about 165 organic ingredients) and flair, Pasqual's quickly set the bar against which to measure all other dining experiences in Santa Fe.


Pasqual's guarantees a delicious experience and a giving experience. The cafe's proprietor, Katharine Kagel, serves on the "Santa Fe Farmers Market board of directors ... created the Food Brigade and helped create the Food Depot, both of which provide food to the needy."

Murals, ripe with story, frame the copious creations that hang from Cafe Pasqual's ceiling.


Those pants? That leather jacket? Paper creations. There's even a stunning dress - disappointingly only available in ... paper.


You can sample a little Cafe Pasqual flavour for yourself with the following recipe for guacamole:


* 2 jalapeños * Vegetable oil * 3 large ripe Hass avocados * 1/4 white onion, diced * 1 tomato, cored, seeded, and diced * 2 cloves garlic, pressed * 1/3 cup finely minced cilantro, stems included * 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lime juice * 1 teaspoon salt

Rub the jalapeños with a small amount of vegetable oil and roast them over a direct flame on the stove top or under the broiler, turning them with tongs until the skin blisters and bubbles on all sides.  When completely blackened, seal them in a plastic bag to let them "sweat" for about 10 minutes.  Split open the chiles and scrape out the seeds, discarding the seeds and the stems, then mince the chiles. (There is no need to peel these.)

Cut the avocados in half and remove the pits.  Scoop out the avocado flesh and place it in a medium bowl.  Mash the avocado with a potato masher or fork until smooth, but with small chunks still visible.  Stir in the onion, tomato, garlic, cilantro, lime juice, jalapeño, and salt.  Mix well.

Cover by pressing plastic wrap directly onto the guacamole, which will completely seal the guacamole so that it does not discolor from contact with oxygen.  Refrigerate until ready to use, but bring to room temperature before serving.  Makes 3 cups

For a more complicated yet authentic recipe, Chiles Rellenos y Huevos con Salsa Tomate y Jalapeño, you can take a sneak peak at the "Cooking With Cafe Pasqual's" cookbook. Click the link for Pasqual's Grilled Salmon Burrito with Goat Cheese and Cucumber Salsa recipe.

We order Americanos because the locally brewed, organic coffee from Aroma Coffee of Santa Fe is full, smooth and never bitter. Aroma Coffee explains how to brew a "magical cup" of coffee on their website. Back to the food: I keep ordering the same thing, the breakfast quesadilla and Lloyd, true to his Southern origin, orders grits - the best I've ever tasted, and I'm no fan. Sadly (fortunately?), we haven't yet had room for dessert.

Okay. I interrupt this post to mention Father Sky Mother Earth Gallery and Espresso Bar. Two things Santa Fe is never short on: art and places to nosh.


We met Jason (yes, in a toque), a writer and musician, who visited Lunenburg last summer. The more we see of this world the smaller it seems. :)

